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Accessibility Statement

We believe in access to information over the Internet for all. This Accessibility Statement provides an overview of the accessibility features we have implemented on this website. If you have any questions regarding the accessibility of this site, please contact us.

Access Keys

We have provided the following shortcut keys to aid navigation.

  • Access Key 1 - Home Page
  • Access Key 2 - Main Contents

Visual Presentation

This site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) so that you may customise the presentation to suit your preferences.

  • All the information can be viewed without styles
  • The text size is relative, allowing you to adjust the size of the text in your browser

Standards Compliance

Most pages on this site follow most of the W3C's WAI accessibility guidelines, and comply to the UK's Disability Discrimination Act

Navigation Aids

All pages contain a sitemap

Oldham Famous Faces

Where We Are

What's On


Itinerary Planner

Welcome to the Itinerary Planner. Use this tool to build your own journey.

Click Add to Itinerary to add an item to your Itinerary basket.